Monday, September 16, 2013

The Ant and the Rubber Tree

The above was a recipe I tried tonight.  Pretty good and super filling!! Honestly, I think half a serving may have been enough for me!! lol  Anyway, check it out.

Have you heard of that song about the ant and the rubber tree?  The one that talks about the ant wanting the rubber tree and he tries and is said that he has, "High hopes."  Well, I was thinking about all my ambitions today.  Everything that I'd like to accomplish.  I'd like to get my health together, serve a mission, do a great job raising my kids, and be the best Christian I know how to be.  In addition to all this, I would love to become an R.D. and also learn to be a raw chef.  I'd like to study being a raw chef not because I think everyone should eat raw all the time but because it teaches about how to get maximum nutrients out of food.  Eating raw can be quite a treat!

I think that I am like most Mothers who has grand ideas about what my family should be.  Needlesstosay, it isn't all going as planned.  It isn't all smooth as silk.  I believe Amy Grant said it best in a song, "It's going to take a little time sometimes - to turn the Titanic around."  I feel I have a very loved but quite ominous Titanic to turn around.  We've had our fair share of trials but I am grateful to put things into perspective and work hard.  I believe that if I just cling to the Lord long enough that we will be victors with the lot we've been given.  What's that poem? It isn't coming to mind but it talks about how we are each given a little box full of trials just for us and how what we do with them is our special gift to God.  I can't remember.

Anyhow, some don't understand why we are how we are or the reasons of why we do what we do.  I am learning that it isn't for us to figure out or understand.  We just need to have faith in the Lord and the person or people going through the trial.  Maybe we don't know now but we will soon see.  As I practiced yoga today, the first time in quite a while, the instructor on the DVD said something that was quite appropriate.  He said that yoga helps us master challenges.  It gives us challenges to face and we overcome them.  I surely loved that likeness of life!  How true! After all, if something really needs to be done, and not just because we think so, it will become clear as crystal that we need to act.

Truth is my trials and current challenges still seem very encumbering to me.  There are days I feel quite ambitious that I will move mountains today!  And other times I feel like, "Wow.  Will there ever be an end to this?"  One thing I do know is that I have been promised, as we all have, that our weak things will be made strong, that if we have but the faith of a mustard seed, that we can move mountains.  All I can do it let that happen.  Through small and simple means are great things come to pass.  I must try.  I must believe.  I must hope.  I must pray.  I must never give up!  The Lord is my Shepherd and I know I shall not want if only I keep the faith, believe, and show Him I want all He has to give me.

Of course, what I have to give varies each day.  Sometimes I feel like the widow's mite in the scriptures.  Well, MOST of the time I do! lol  But I have to believe every day, that no matter who or what tries to convey Satan's message of, "Give up! You can't do it! You are nuts! Who do you think you are!" that I must not pay attention and go forward with faith and courage in my self that I can overcome.  I am the person the Lord sees me to be.  I can only do so if I keep going and that is why I won't quit, regardless of adversity.  I must remember that it is already overcome in the moment the Savior died for me and rose again.

May we all conquer our Goliaths.  May we all come to know and believe ourselves to be the same son or daughter that God knows we are.  Don't give up! Never give up!  All is well.  The Lord God has taken care of all.  Let us give up our false ways.  Let us trust in Jesus.  Let us see His mighty and capable hands at work on our behalf.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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