Monday, September 16, 2013

For Health and Strength and Daily Bread, We Praise Thy Name, Oh, Lord!

To jump start this blog I thought I'd start it off with gratitude.  We are told throughout church that gratitude is the foundation of happiness.  In the book, "True to the Faith", gratitude is described as, " a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received. As we cultivate a grateful attitude, we are more likely to be happy and spiritually strong. We should regularly express our gratitude to God for the blessings He gives us and to others for the kind acts they do for us." 

I am grateful that it says to be spiritually strong.  We so need that today in a decaying society.  I want to be the best me and that entails all my roles in life.  I am grateful I have the scriptures (The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price).  The keep me spiritually strong as well.

Gratitude hasn't been my strength.  It requires faith and the atonement of Jesus Christ for me to have it.  You would think it'd be easy to have something so wonderful be a part of you, but like many I have had my share of opposition in life.  In those times it has clouded my vision, perhaps at times you could say it was like Nephi described in the Book of Mormon ( See ) when he was shown his Father's vision of the iron rod and the Tree of Life.  At times the mists of darkness was all around them.  The people clung to the iron rod to guide them to the magnificent tree whose fruit was sweet and desirable.  Then they desired to share it with all. This is like me.  I know that as I try real hard to look for the good in my journey that I will get stronger and stronger at it as the Lord has promised.  (See )

I am grateful for gaining a vision of my life.  I know I will be blessed and bless others.  Most of all, I desire to bless others.  I am grateful for prayer and how it changes things.  I am grateful for Christ's atonement and how it effectuates goodness in all.  I am grateful that negative things are conquered because of Him and I don't have to keep buying into Satan's lies.  I am grateful that Satan is a liar because I don't have to pay attention to him.  I am grateful that God empowers us and magnifies us into the people that we have forgotten we are.  I am grateful for truth and perspective.  They help me grow and progress.  They inspire and uplift not just be but all around me.

I am grateful for what I am learning about the Word of Wisdom. (See )  I know the Lord seeks to bless me as I adhere to it and follow personal revelation given to me through the Holy Ghost.  I hope I can share with you what I learn and pass it on.  Take what you like and let go of the rest.  I want to say that I do not mean my words to dictate your course, but if I can serve to bless you I'd like to.

In closing, I hope to post daily.  Due to having a large family, I may not always be able to do that.  It will be fun to see how growth occurs.  Feel free to comment and ask questions.  If I don't have an answer I hope to do what I can to help along the way.  Like I said in my introduction of me in my profile, I hope to address spiritual and physical matters here.  I believe in doing so will help us all result in our best self aka full potential.  Ultimately I hope to result in better acquiring and conveying of Christlike love to all.  As the Primary song says, "Kindness begins with me."  May we all do so in our own small way and see great things come to pass.  I believe the world CAN change, one person at a time.  And so I continue with me and invite you to ride along on my journey.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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