Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Patience Is A Virtue

And Boy, is it ever!

In my 41 years I have finally begun to realize the importance of patience.  It is a blessing to know.  Like many say, I wish had known it years ago and used it more in my life.  As true as that is I am blessed to know it now.  I look forward to seeing how it can bring blessings.

I am one who has had to learn patience.  It has been hard for me to be patient.  At Christmas as a child I was always shaking and rattling presents before the fun day arrived and trying to figure them out.  Sometimes I even found tricks to seemingly open them beforehand and reseal the package as best I could.  It wasn't long before I was found out! lol  I just couldn't wait.

You know, even though I still find it hard to be patient with myself and with others, (even the automated message on the phone can be annoying), I find it also to be easier knowing what I know now.  If we aren't sure of a better way the best thing is to wait patiently on the Lord and the better thing always comes.  Dave Ramsey said that someone wrote a book about the top qualities of American millionaires.  They weren't just any millionaire but ones that had a minimum of 10 million dollars in their care.  The top few weren't having the qualification of a high college GPA but they first had integrity, and either the second or third quality was patience.  These people waited for the better thing.  I thought, "How interesting!  Character literally gets you the farthest!"

I don't know how many times in the scriptures we have been told how the Lord will prosper us when we are obedient.  I find people still don't really believe it, not even some of us that are pretty sharp.  They tend to say things like, "Well, that was then and this is now," or "No one does that."  I don't think those are pertinent to the situation.  I think it's about faith.  Faith in the only capable atonement that is all-encompassing.  To me, that leaves no one out, it includes all situations.  Just, "Do we believe?"

I have many great goals I am out to accomplish.  I have to be patient with me and with others.  I get exasperated with myself if I feel I am not doing enough when my body says, "Sorry, this is it for today! Please try again tomorrow."  I get upset if others say things to me that indicate they are trying to micromanage me.  But through my trials I realize that we don't see things how they really are.  I think this is why we are to look to the good in others and pray for all.

Well, this day is done and I need to wrap this up.  I hope I can be patient enough that I can see me turn into a great blogger.  I hope I can be patient enough to not snap at another.  I hope that I can be patient to see me drop all my extra, unhealthy weight.  I hope I can be patient enough to pull my home and family together and recover from those strenuous trials we've been through.  I hope I can accumulate the knowledge I want about nutrition and cooking and pass it on to others.  I hope I can see some good that I've contributed to.  I hope I raise righteous people in a troubled world.  Mostly, I hope I can overcome self and fully partake of the atonement of Christ.  I am so grateful for Him.

May we all strive to be more patient and kind.  May we realize our potential.  Onward and Upward!

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