Thursday, February 4, 2021

Tryin' to Walk With Wisdom, STILL

 Howdy! It's been a while since I have been on this blog! I am surprised it is still here!

I was looking through pictures and this picture was taken in October 2013, which I believe that 2013 was the last time I blogged an entry here.  I'm not sure exactly what this mountain is, but I think it could be Mount Charleston in Nevada.  I believe we were still in Henderson, Nevada at this year.  Let me calculate.  Yes, I believe we were there until about 2016.  

A lot has happened since then.  My husband was in and out of work.  We moved to California for about five years total.  It took me back to my hometown, a small town in California called Lake Los Angeles.  From California, we came back to where we started, in Utah (the state we were married in).  

I am no longer into trying to be a Vegan, a Nutritarian, or into a raw diet.  Respect to those that are, but I have learned that it is not right for my family.  I once touted that it was the only way to go and the world needed to get on with the acceptance of that truth!  But life, learning, even paying hundreds of dollars to get education in nutrition and such has led me to that proper nutrition is about balance, portion control, and regular exercise.  Welp, that is the same thing I was taught from the beginning.  I just have to actually do it! 😄  So, that is what I am after at this point, and I have lots of work and effort to put in as my fault is not being consistent.  However, I have an injury.

About a week ago I was...wait for it...walking down my driveway to the.....MAILBOX! (I know, so anti-climatic, right?😁  It had snowed (I know, I know, this is my backyard).  It was more like slush because it was a thin layer of snow over wet cement.  I was walking just fine and I suddenly slipped, and CRACK! I was down! My legs split and I was sitting like a hurdler, only less impressive!😓  I fiddled to call my husband as my neighbor across the street heard my crying like a little kid.  They soon had me in the house.  "No! I'm not going to the doctor!" I repeated in my head over and over.  You see, we had just finished with another ankle injury in the family that was quite extensive and I was tired of the whole thing.  I wanted no part of it!  This was going to heal and I could do it on my own! No doctor!

Well, a week passed.  I started searching out the healing process on my phone at night because the thing wasn't getting very much better, very much faster.  I finally decided that I was going to go to the doctor about it.  I'm glad I did!

I was told that I had an aversion injury due to a sprained ankle.  After x-rays, they told me that I had a small break under one bone, and a detached ligament off the other bone.

  (There's a pic of it).  So, now I have a walking boot and will be seeing the specialist to find out the rest of my story.  Hopefully it'll be less involved than the previous family member's story.

This is now what I am dealing with.  Well, that and the pandemic, and pandemic parenting, and..... Life.

The thing about me is that I never quit.  Oh yeah, I get discouraged.  I can cry.  I can feel angry and disadvantaged, but in the end, I get up, dust myself off, and get back on my horse!  I learned that in my youth as I went on bike treks and long horseback rides.  If I got tired and just wanted to go home but was far from it, if the horse threw me and knocked the wind out of me, I would put myself in check.  I would get back on whatever I was riding and keep going.  I didn't have much of a choice.  I didn't have a cell phone then.  There was only one way home.  Today, I am so glad I had those lessons.  I may not "get after it" like some people do, but I don't stop.  I may crawl, but I keep going.  Why? Because why not? What else is there?  Anything else will make me a virtual P.O.W.  I have seen "dissenters."  I don't want to do that and slap the face of those that know I have grit in me.  So I keep going.

Lately life's terrain has been hard.  Many have had difficult trials, too.  I don't mean to make myself out to be worse off, but my story is the only one I can tell.  In the words of someone wise, "My trials may not be your trials, but mine cause me to need my Lord desperately."  

It's kind of like when you are flying over the earth.  You see the beauty of it and the wondrous creation.  But it is the result of much chaos, the chaos of creation.  It creates all these cracks and crevices, earth and sea, creepy-crawlies, and beautiful, breath-taking views.  Without the natural creation it would not be the earth it is today in all its glory.  I try not to forget that in all that life can throw at you today.  It can seem like you are being tossed in waves that will swallow you up.  

As a matter of fact, as we were taking off on our flight for home there was a storm.  It caused turbulence at lift-off.  It took a little bit, but as the pilot ascended above the clouds there was calm.  The storm subsided.  Thank goodness we had an experienced pilot.  The flight smoothed out and we had a great flight the rest of the way home.  If we hang tight long enough in the storms of life, calm will come.  We will be able to navigate the trials and get to our destination.  We have a great pilot that is plenty experienced.  We have Jesus Christ.  He has calmed the storm for me on many occasion.

Anyway, much has happened in eight years.  There is no time to get into it all, nor is it necessary.  It sure has taught me a lot.  I am a lot more calm than my insecure past self has been.  I am grateful for that.  I hope that I can continue to trust in God.  He really is the only true wisdom that I have found.  I pray all the time to be able to put on that symbolic flight seatbelt during turbulence.  I try to remember that a good pilot takes it slow through the turbulence.  He patiently works through it until it passes.  Then he gently sets us back on solid ground.

I plan on blogging on here about what I have learned.  Maybe it will help you through your trials as well.  I also have a genealogy blog (as I am a student of family history) and a new blog on my adventures with Utah gardening.  Let's enjoy some adventures together!  Otherwise, just sit back and enjoy the ride! Thank you for supporting my blog!

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